screw air compressor parts gear wheel metal stainless steel gear wheel
Spur, Spur
Place of Origin:
Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Model Number:
Customized, Customized
Brand Name:
Screw Air Compressor Parts Gear, Stainless Steel, Low Carbon Alloy Stee
Product Name:
Screw Air Compressor Parts Gear
Screw Air Compressor Parts Gear
gear wheel
hobbing, milling, forging
Screw Air Compressor ,Industry
Steel Spur Gear
Heat treatment:
quenching and tempering
Packaging & Delivery
Packaging Details:
Packaging Details:
cartons and pallets for package,
or as customers required
Delivery Detail:
2-3 working days
Delivery Detail:
2-3 working days
Product Description
Stainless Steel Screw Air Compressor Parts high performance spur Gear 1621927700
Material: carbon steel such as C45, 20CrMnTi, 40Cr, 42CrMo or stainless steel or copper or nylon and so on
--Heat Treatment: Hardening and Tempering, High Frequency Quenching, Carburizing Quenching and so on.
--Good quality raw material, Precision machining, Strict inspection
--Good Wear Resistance
--Good quality with reasonable price, timely delivery and great customer service.
--A Professional on Drawing analysis, Meeting discussing, program auditing, PC & QC
Product Information:
Model Number:1621927700
Type:Wheel Gear
Apply For: GA132-160
Package Weight:17.000kg (37.48lb.)
Package Size:30cm x 30cm x 15cm (11.81in x 11.81in x 5.91in)
high pressure air compressor part worm marine gearbox
description of air compressor worm marine gearbox
air compressor worm marine gearbox assemble on compressor airend, normally, 2 gear as one set , the replacement gear wheel widely used for compressor airend repair, air compressor overhauling,
air compressor worm marine gearbox also called air comrpessor gear motor, air compressor gear box, air compressor wheel gear, air compressor gear wheel
puchase instruction of air compressor worm marine gearbox
1. air compressor worm marine gearbox material: stainless stell, 100% new
2. air compressor worm marine gearbox 2pcs in 1set, one small gear + one bigger gear
3. air compressor worm marine gearbox type: piece type ( light) , and shaft type ( heavy)
4. packing of compressor worm marine gearbox carton box for light gear wheel. wooden box for heavy gear
5. compressor worm marine gearbox not sell 1pc separately
6. warranty: our replacement gear wheel is same function as genuine, if assemble no problem, then no quality problem, this compressor gear is no warranty, because most broken caused by improper assemble way.
air compressor worm marine gearbox, air compressor worm marine gearbox photo
air compressor worm marine gearboxfor use, part number as below:
1622002300/1622002400 1622005500/1622005600
1622002700/1622002800 1622005500=1622005803
1622311067 & 1622311068 1622004700/1622004800
1622311025 & 1622311026 1622004900/1622005000
1622311027/1622311028 1622005100/1622005200
1622311029/1622311030 1622005300/1622005400
1622311033/1622311034 1613817400/1613818000
1622311035/1622311036 1613853700/1613853600
1622004500/1622004600 1622077029/1622077030
1622311041/1622311042 1614932200/1614932300
1622311043/1622311044 1614932500/1614932400
1622311045/1622311046 1616641700/1616641800
1622311049/1622311050 1622311031/1622311032
1622311053/1622311054 1202796300/1202796200
1622311063/1622311064 1622005700 1622005800
1614933000/1614933100 1092022949/1092022950
1622311007 / 1622311008 1622003300/1622003400
1622369237/ 1622369238 16139642 T11, 16139643 T11
1614930000/1614930100 1613898000
1614930800/1614930900 1622311065/1622311066
1614931000/1614931100 1622311017/1622311018
1614932400/1614932500 1614931200/1614931300
1614932600/1614932700 1622369241/1622369242
1614933200/1614933300 1613396510/1613396500
1614933600/1614933700 1622003500/1622003600
1614933400/ 1614933500 1622077015/1622077016
1622077023/1622077024 1613965000/1613965100
1622077027/1622077028 1622311055/1622311056
1622002500/1622002600 16138110/1613817400
1622311064/1622311063 16149332/1614933300
1614930100/1614930000 1622002000/1622002100
1622311059/1622311060 1622002200/1622002300
1622004000/1622003900 1622002900/1622003000
1622003900/1622004000 162200430/ 1622004400
air comrpessor worm marine gearbox packing
Appendix---part no. list of our products
2901044800 2901029900 2901007600 2901146300 2901021100 2901162200 2901000201 2906056300 2901050300 2901050301 2901007700 2901021200 2906009300 2906087000 2901021700 2901021701 2901007200 2901108400 2906009400 2901000600 2901099700 2901021800 2901145300 2906009500 2906020100 2906009100 1619756000 1202586902 1619733300 1619759600 2901145300 2901145400 1622375980 2906009600 2901030100 2901084500 2901021900 1089057520 1089057578 1089057573 1089057551 1089057504 1089062110 1089062114 1089062104 1089050506 2906057100 2906057200 2906059100 2903101501 2903101601 2903101701 1614873800 1614873900 2901024600 2901009700 2901009800 2906056600 2906056700 2906009900 2906010000 2906010100 2906020300 2906020400 2906020500 2906057800 2904007000 2904107400 2904006100 1613913900 1622089500 1622001500 1092015400 1622315400 1092020200 1622660800 1621875000 1621574399 1089057533 1089057529 1089057578 1089057507 1089057534 2906904100 2906904200 2906902900 2906903100 2906907700 1621875099 2906905800 1612386900 1613692100 1613750300 1089057533 1089057564 1089057544 1089057535 1089057578 1089057528 1089057574 1089057534 1089057526 1089057511 1089057521 1089057565 1089057541 1089057551 1089057524 1089057520 1089057404 1089057549 1089057507 1089057440 1089057405 1089057400 1089057401 1622311044 1622311023 1622311024 1622311035 1622311036 1622311025 1622311026 1612386900 1613750200 2901034300 2901146300 2901145300 2906056300 2901029850 1622375980 2906009300 2906009500 2901000201 1614873800 1614973900 1622007900 1613243300 1613688000 2901021300 1613839700 2901056600 1613730600 2901007000 1613800700 2901043200 1613955900 1613984000 1614642300 2906009800 1614905400 2906056400 1614905600 1614642300 1614704800 2906020200 1614952100 2906058800 1622007900 1613872000 1619126900 1613872000 1613740700 1613740800 2901043100 1613950100 1603950300 1030097900 1089057573 1613678300 1614915500 1619756000 2901007400 2901021100 2901029850 2906009300 2906020100 2906059100 3906570962 1089057404 1089057520 1089057551 1089057578 1614942900 2205414002 2252547800 2901000201 2901006800 2901007200 2901007700 2901021701 2901021702 2901021800 2901044800 2901050300 2901074900 2901108400 2901145300 2901146300 2901162200 2904006100 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1613610590 1613610500 1614727399 1089057403 1089057406 1089057402 1089057455 1089057470 1089057520 1089057551 1089057407 1089057449 1089057565 1089057573 1089057503 1089057400 1089057401 1089057402 1089057403 1089057404 1089057405 1089057435 1089057407 1089057440 1089057441 1089057449 1089057470 1089057574 1089057554 1089057544 1089057524 1089057565 1089057535 1089057503 1089057513 1089057523 1089057533 1089057573 1089057500 1089057510 1089057520 1089057530 1089057541 1089057511 1089057551 1089057528 1089057578 1089057526 1613689701 1613804400 1613804402 1622066200 1622066202 1089062104 1089070209 1089062119 1089062100 1089062140 1089062110 1089050506 1089062114 1089062113 1089042821 1089039226 1089039225 1900070004 1900070005 1900070006 1900070007 1900070008 1900071102 1900071101 1900071103 1900071002 1900071001 1900071012 1900071011 1900071281 1900071031 1900071041 1900071071 1900071292 1089057551 1089057578 1089057573 1089057541 1089057528 1089057533 1089057565 1089057574 1089057535 1089057544 1089057564 0574823530 1614873800 1614954000 2901107600 2906056500 0070600205 0147136403 0147140303 0147141703 1030097900 1089036250 1089039743 1089057449 1089057404 1089057407 1089057449 1089057520 1089057528 1089057533 1089057551 1089057565 1089057573 1089059021 1089062110 1089062114 1089921432 1089921433 1089057520 1089057578 1091600600 1091613300 1622001500 1091613300 1202574900 1202641400 1202804000 2252548700 2254735709 2901000000 2901001500 2901004501 2901007200 2901007400 2901007700 2901021300 2901021800 2901032600 2901034300 2901041600 2901043100 2901043200 2901044800 2901052200 2901052300 2901056602 2901074900 2901075000 2901077900 2901084001 2901085800 2901099900 2901101200 2901085800 2903087100 2903200102 2906009100 2906009200 2906009300 2906009300 2906009400 2906009500 2906009600 2906009700 2906009800 2906020000 2906020100 2906020200 2906056300 2906056400 2906056500 2906700000 2906700100 2908851400 2911001900 2911007500 2911011700 2914801200 2914807000 2914807100 2914823100 2914823200 2914825700 3214346901 3214623900 3216921404 3222028400 6611000310 0392110006 0574823135 0574823530 0574823532 0574823537 0574823541 0574823545 0574884544 0574987002 0574987803 0574991802 0575012147 0575036118 0575079146 0575040147 0663210776 0663713800 0663715000 1604132800 1613610500 1613688000 1613688401 1613689703 1613730600 1613740700 1613740800 1613800700 1613830300 1613830400 1613839700 1613881001 1613900100 1613950300 1613951500 1613954200 1613962500 1613982501 1613984000 1613984100 1613984100 1614624300 1614642300 1614704600 1614704800 1614727300 2906020200 1614727399 1614734300 1614871900 1614873800 1614873900 1614895800 1614895900 1614905000 1614922000 1614930800 1614930900 1614933000 1614942900 1614951600 1614954000 1614954300 1614955200 1614963400 1614963500 1614963800 1614967400 1614967500 1614967600 1614967700 1614988700 1614990100 1615595100 1619126900 1619279700 1619756000 1621054700 1621202700 1613950700 1613950800 1613950900 1613951000 1613951100 1613951200 1614935800 1614920000 1614918800 1614936500 1614918900 1614920100 1614677500 1614667300 1614753200 1614705300 1615541700 1615562301 1613801300 1613737300 1613782200 1613801200 .....
1:why oil spilling
First, the compressor seals or seal off the defect guide (such as wear and tear, etc.) caused by the oil spill.
Second, the compressor shaft seal leakage loose lead.
Third, the combination of surface leakage air compressor head, inlet pipe, return pipe joints loose. Fourth, the compressor installation process to install the belt too tight cause main bearing wear. Fifth, the air compressor casting or machining production process is not perfect.
2,When we experience oil in our compressed air, the separation process isn't working optimally.
There could be many different reasons for this. Here are the most common ones:
Too high oil level
This is a temporary problem. Once enough oil has 'carried over' and the oil level drops to normal levels, the carry over stops.
Too high temperatures
If the compressor is running at high temperatures (100 - 120 degrees Celsius), it can result in an higher oil carry over rate.
Old separator
With normal running conditions, separators need to be replaced very 6000 - 8000 running hours. That's once per year or once per two years for most compressors.
When the separator becomes old, it becomes 'saturated'. The filter fabric is filled with oil. It's time to replace your separator, otherwise you risk the chance of an separator failure or collapse!

Spur, Spur
Place of Origin:
Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Model Number:
Customized, Customized
Brand Name:
Screw Air Compressor Parts Gear, Stainless Steel, Low Carbon Alloy Stee
Product Name:
Screw Air Compressor Parts Gear
Screw Air Compressor Parts Gear
gear wheel
hobbing, milling, forging
Screw Air Compressor ,Industry
Steel Spur Gear
Heat treatment:
quenching and tempering
Packaging & Delivery
Packaging Details:
Packaging Details:
cartons and pallets for package,
or as customers required
Delivery Detail:
2-3 working days
Delivery Detail:
2-3 working days
Product Description
Stainless Steel Screw Air Compressor Parts high performance spur Gear 1621927700
Material: carbon steel such as C45, 20CrMnTi, 40Cr, 42CrMo or stainless steel or copper or nylon and so on
--Heat Treatment: Hardening and Tempering, High Frequency Quenching, Carburizing Quenching and so on.
--Good quality raw material, Precision machining, Strict inspection
--Good Wear Resistance
--Good quality with reasonable price, timely delivery and great customer service.
--A Professional on Drawing analysis, Meeting discussing, program auditing, PC & QC
Product Information:
Model Number:1621927700
Type:Wheel Gear
Apply For: GA132-160
Package Weight:17.000kg (37.48lb.)
Package Size:30cm x 30cm x 15cm (11.81in x 11.81in x 5.91in)
high pressure air compressor part worm marine gearbox
description of air compressor worm marine gearbox
air compressor worm marine gearbox assemble on compressor airend, normally, 2 gear as one set , the replacement gear wheel widely used for compressor airend repair, air compressor overhauling,
air compressor worm marine gearbox also called air comrpessor gear motor, air compressor gear box, air compressor wheel gear, air compressor gear wheel
puchase instruction of air compressor worm marine gearbox
1. air compressor worm marine gearbox material: stainless stell, 100% new
2. air compressor worm marine gearbox 2pcs in 1set, one small gear + one bigger gear
3. air compressor worm marine gearbox type: piece type ( light) , and shaft type ( heavy)
4. packing of compressor worm marine gearbox carton box for light gear wheel. wooden box for heavy gear
5. compressor worm marine gearbox not sell 1pc separately
6. warranty: our replacement gear wheel is same function as genuine, if assemble no problem, then no quality problem, this compressor gear is no warranty, because most broken caused by improper assemble way.
air compressor worm marine gearbox, air compressor worm marine gearbox photo
air compressor worm marine gearboxfor use, part number as below:
1622002300/1622002400 1622005500/1622005600
1622002700/1622002800 1622005500=1622005803
1622311067 & 1622311068 1622004700/1622004800
1622311025 & 1622311026 1622004900/1622005000
1622311027/1622311028 1622005100/1622005200
1622311029/1622311030 1622005300/1622005400
1622311033/1622311034 1613817400/1613818000
1622311035/1622311036 1613853700/1613853600
1622004500/1622004600 1622077029/1622077030
1622311041/1622311042 1614932200/1614932300
1622311043/1622311044 1614932500/1614932400
1622311045/1622311046 1616641700/1616641800
1622311049/1622311050 1622311031/1622311032
1622311053/1622311054 1202796300/1202796200
1622311063/1622311064 1622005700 1622005800
1614933000/1614933100 1092022949/1092022950
1622311007 / 1622311008 1622003300/1622003400
1622369237/ 1622369238 16139642 T11, 16139643 T11
1614930000/1614930100 1613898000
1614930800/1614930900 1622311065/1622311066
1614931000/1614931100 1622311017/1622311018
1614932400/1614932500 1614931200/1614931300
1614932600/1614932700 1622369241/1622369242
1614933200/1614933300 1613396510/1613396500
1614933600/1614933700 1622003500/1622003600
1614933400/ 1614933500 1622077015/1622077016
1622077023/1622077024 1613965000/1613965100
1622077027/1622077028 1622311055/1622311056
1622002500/1622002600 16138110/1613817400
1622311064/1622311063 16149332/1614933300
1614930100/1614930000 1622002000/1622002100
1622311059/1622311060 1622002200/1622002300
1622004000/1622003900 1622002900/1622003000
1622003900/1622004000 162200430/ 1622004400
air comrpessor worm marine gearbox packing
Appendix---part no. list of our products
2901044800 2901029900 2901007600 2901146300 2901021100 2901162200 2901000201 2906056300 2901050300 2901050301 2901007700 2901021200 2906009300 2906087000 2901021700 2901021701 2901007200 2901108400 2906009400 2901000600 2901099700 2901021800 2901145300 2906009500 2906020100 2906009100 1619756000 1202586902 1619733300 1619759600 2901145300 2901145400 1622375980 2906009600 2901030100 2901084500 2901021900 1089057520 1089057578 1089057573 1089057551 1089057504 1089062110 1089062114 1089062104 1089050506 2906057100 2906057200 2906059100 2903101501 2903101601 2903101701 1614873800 1614873900 2901024600 2901009700 2901009800 2906056600 2906056700 2906009900 2906010000 2906010100 2906020300 2906020400 2906020500 2906057800 2904007000 2904107400 2904006100 1613913900 1622089500 1622001500 1092015400 1622315400 1092020200 1622660800 1621875000 1621574399 1089057533 1089057529 1089057578 1089057507 1089057534 2906904100 2906904200 2906902900 2906903100 2906907700 1621875099 2906905800 1612386900 1613692100 1613750300 1089057533 1089057564 1089057544 1089057535 1089057578 1089057528 1089057574 1089057534 1089057526 1089057511 1089057521 1089057565 1089057541 1089057551 1089057524 1089057520 1089057404 1089057549 1089057507 1089057440 1089057405 1089057400 1089057401 1622311044 1622311023 1622311024 1622311035 1622311036 1622311025 1622311026 1612386900 1613750200 2901034300 2901146300 2901145300 2906056300 2901029850 1622375980 2906009300 2906009500 2901000201 1614873800 1614973900 1622007900 1613243300 1613688000 2901021300 1613839700 2901056600 1613730600 2901007000 1613800700 2901043200 1613955900 1613984000 1614642300 2906009800 1614905400 2906056400 1614905600 1614642300 1614704800 2906020200 1614952100 2906058800 1622007900 1613872000 1619126900 1613872000 1613740700 1613740800 2901043100 1613950100 1603950300 1030097900 1089057573 1613678300 1614915500 1619756000 2901007400 2901021100 2901029850 2906009300 2906020100 2906059100 3906570962 1089057404 1089057520 1089057551 1089057578 1614942900 2205414002 2252547800 2901000201 2901006800 2901007200 2901007700 2901021701 2901021702 2901021800 2901044800 2901050300 2901074900 2901108400 2901145300 2901146300 2901162200 2904006100 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1613610590 1613610500 1614727399 1089057403 1089057406 1089057402 1089057455 1089057470 1089057520 1089057551 1089057407 1089057449 1089057565 1089057573 1089057503 1089057400 1089057401 1089057402 1089057403 1089057404 1089057405 1089057435 1089057407 1089057440 1089057441 1089057449 1089057470 1089057574 1089057554 1089057544 1089057524 1089057565 1089057535 1089057503 1089057513 1089057523 1089057533 1089057573 1089057500 1089057510 1089057520 1089057530 1089057541 1089057511 1089057551 1089057528 1089057578 1089057526 1613689701 1613804400 1613804402 1622066200 1622066202 1089062104 1089070209 1089062119 1089062100 1089062140 1089062110 1089050506 1089062114 1089062113 1089042821 1089039226 1089039225 1900070004 1900070005 1900070006 1900070007 1900070008 1900071102 1900071101 1900071103 1900071002 1900071001 1900071012 1900071011 1900071281 1900071031 1900071041 1900071071 1900071292 1089057551 1089057578 1089057573 1089057541 1089057528 1089057533 1089057565 1089057574 1089057535 1089057544 1089057564 0574823530 1614873800 1614954000 2901107600 2906056500 0070600205 0147136403 0147140303 0147141703 1030097900 1089036250 1089039743 1089057449 1089057404 1089057407 1089057449 1089057520 1089057528 1089057533 1089057551 1089057565 1089057573 1089059021 1089062110 1089062114 1089921432 1089921433 1089057520 1089057578 1091600600 1091613300 1622001500 1091613300 1202574900 1202641400 1202804000 2252548700 2254735709 2901000000 2901001500 2901004501 2901007200 2901007400 2901007700 2901021300 2901021800 2901032600 2901034300 2901041600 2901043100 2901043200 2901044800 2901052200 2901052300 2901056602 2901074900 2901075000 2901077900 2901084001 2901085800 2901099900 2901101200 2901085800 2903087100 2903200102 2906009100 2906009200 2906009300 2906009300 2906009400 2906009500 2906009600 2906009700 2906009800 2906020000 2906020100 2906020200 2906056300 2906056400 2906056500 2906700000 2906700100 2908851400 2911001900 2911007500 2911011700 2914801200 2914807000 2914807100 2914823100 2914823200 2914825700 3214346901 3214623900 3216921404 3222028400 6611000310 0392110006 0574823135 0574823530 0574823532 0574823537 0574823541 0574823545 0574884544 0574987002 0574987803 0574991802 0575012147 0575036118 0575079146 0575040147 0663210776 0663713800 0663715000 1604132800 1613610500 1613688000 1613688401 1613689703 1613730600 1613740700 1613740800 1613800700 1613830300 1613830400 1613839700 1613881001 1613900100 1613950300 1613951500 1613954200 1613962500 1613982501 1613984000 1613984100 1613984100 1614624300 1614642300 1614704600 1614704800 1614727300 2906020200 1614727399 1614734300 1614871900 1614873800 1614873900 1614895800 1614895900 1614905000 1614922000 1614930800 1614930900 1614933000 1614942900 1614951600 1614954000 1614954300 1614955200 1614963400 1614963500 1614963800 1614967400 1614967500 1614967600 1614967700 1614988700 1614990100 1615595100 1619126900 1619279700 1619756000 1621054700 1621202700 1613950700 1613950800 1613950900 1613951000 1613951100 1613951200 1614935800 1614920000 1614918800 1614936500 1614918900 1614920100 1614677500 1614667300 1614753200 1614705300 1615541700 1615562301 1613801300 1613737300 1613782200 1613801200 .....
1:why oil spilling
First, the compressor seals or seal off the defect guide (such as wear and tear, etc.) caused by the oil spill.
Second, the compressor shaft seal leakage loose lead.
Third, the combination of surface leakage air compressor head, inlet pipe, return pipe joints loose. Fourth, the compressor installation process to install the belt too tight cause main bearing wear. Fifth, the air compressor casting or machining production process is not perfect.
2,When we experience oil in our compressed air, the separation process isn't working optimally.
There could be many different reasons for this. Here are the most common ones:
Too high oil level
This is a temporary problem. Once enough oil has 'carried over' and the oil level drops to normal levels, the carry over stops.
Too high temperatures
If the compressor is running at high temperatures (100 - 120 degrees Celsius), it can result in an higher oil carry over rate.
Old separator
With normal running conditions, separators need to be replaced very 6000 - 8000 running hours. That's once per year or once per two years for most compressors.
When the separator becomes old, it becomes 'saturated'. The filter fabric is filled with oil. It's time to replace your separator, otherwise you risk the chance of an separator failure or collapse!