Save on Bass Outdoor, Kammok, Beyond Clothing, and More With These Gear Deals | GearJunkie

2022-06-18 20:14:00 By : Ms. Sophie An

June 15, 2022 |  By Harley Schafer

Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on jackets, sunglasses, hammocks, and more.

This jacket is made using synthetic down made from 100% recycled materials and is designed to provide warmth and protection without bulk. The jacket is reversible and has zippered pockets on both sides.

If you’re looking for everything you need to lounge in comfort this summer, this bundle may be an option for you. It includes the Swiftlet portable hammock stand, the Swiftlet Cupholder, and a Roo Double Hammock.

Keep your essentials safe and dry with this poly-coated nylon bag. The splashproof zipper protects from light rain and sudden splashes, while the flat, rectangular style creates an efficient shape for packing.

The sleek style of these sunglasses makes them an option to wear anywhere. The lenses are scratch-resistant and polarized to provide extra eye protection. Cushioned nose pads and adjustable temple tips are designed to provide on-the-go comfort.

This bag is designed to be an everyday carry option. It has a 12L capacity, an internal organizer pocket, and a secure essentials pocket, so you can keep the day’s gear ready to grab no matter what you’re up to. The bag also incorporates recycled materials, keeping 11 plastic water bottles out of the ocean per bag.

Explore with a Friend Giveaway - Win a Pair and Give a Pair! Men’s AKU Alterra GTX Hiking Boots Women’s AKU Alterra Pro GTX Hiking Boots

Harley Schafer is a graduate of New Mexico State University and currently resides in southern Germany. Growing up in Oklahoma instilled a love of the outdoors, animals, and adventure. Hiking with her dogs is a favorite pastime, as well as exploring new places and trying new foods.

Amazon Prime Day 2022 sale runs on July 12 and 13.

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Explore with a Friend Giveaway - Win a Pair and Give a Pair! Men’s AKU Alterra GTX Hiking Boots Women’s AKU Alterra Pro GTX Hiking Boots

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Explore with a Friend Giveaway - Win a Pair and Give a Pair! Men’s AKU Alterra GTX Hiking Boots Women’s AKU Alterra Pro GTX Hiking Boots