To catch Marlin in Dinkum, outback farmers need to get a special license, Fishing Rod, and boat to travel out to sea where the Fish is located.
The Marlin is a rare Fish in the Animal Crossing-esque indie Dinkum characterized in-game as a "big fish" with a "big nose." Catching and selling this Fish will net players a profit of 20,200 Dinks, a massive amount of money. This selling price is second-highest to that of the Yellowfin Tuna, the most profitable Fish in the game. Accordingly, knowing how to find and catch a Marlin will greatly aid players in their financial development for their farming life in the outback.
However, before players can attempt to capture a Marlin in Dinkum, they must fulfill three prerequisites. First, they will need a Fishing Licence, which allows the holder to buy Fishing Rods and catch Fish. This particular Licence costs 250 Permit Points or PP, the currency earned by completing Milestones. Milestones consist of simple tasks, such as buying tools, smashing rocks, or burying fruit. After acquiring the required amount of PP, visit Fletch at the Base Tent to unlock the Fishing Licence.
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Next, Dinkum players will need to get a Fishing Rod from John, the local shopkeeper who sells a variety of tools. The Fishing Rod costs 1,260 Dinks, which might seem like a high price for newcomers, but it is worth the investment considering how much Fish like the Marlin sells for. Players can easily earn Dinks by selling items like rocks, butterflies, or shells to John.
The third step for catching a Marlin in Dinkum is acquiring a boat. This step is not essential but can help fans get closer to where Marlin is located out in the deeper waters. The most rudimentary boat that farmers can craft is the Row Boat. The recipe for the Row Boat is unlocked by acquiring the Vehicle Licence from Fletch for 1,200 PP. Next, here are the materials needed for crafting the recipe:
Once players have their Fishing License, Fishing Rod, and Row Boat, they should be all set to catch the Marlin in Dinkum. The Marlin's Habitat is the Southern Oceans, where it can be encountered during the day. Keep in mind that it only appears during Autumn and Winter. When catching a Marlin, remember to be patient and only reel in the Fish when it is not fighting against the line.
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Dinkum is available for Early Access on PC via Steam.
Ethan is an American from California and holds a double-major degree in Business Admin. and Media & Comm. While adept in writing a variety of articles, he currently focuses on writing game guides for Screen Rant. He has a lifelong purpose of conquering his Steam backlog someday.