August 10, 2022 | By Harley Schafer
Find great deals on outdoor gear. This week, save on apparel, hammocks, climbing packs, and more.
Western Rise designed these pants to be an ideal everyday option whether you’re on the weekly work grind or a weekend adventure. They are made with a nylon and spandex blend to offer support and stretch. They are made to be water- and stain-resistant as well.
Designed for rock climbing day trips of all kinds, this pack is made with a four-layer Dimension-Polyant fabric that is designed to be lightweight, durable, and weather-resistant. Dual side bottle pockets and hydration reservoir compatibility ensure that you’ll stay hydrated, while the flat base design makes for efficient gear packing.
This hammock system includes one extra large hammock designed to accommodate two people, made from breathable nylon fabric, and two tree-friendly nonslip suspension straps. The hammock has a built-in stuff sack that you can use to store essentials while it is set up and pack the hammock down into the sack for ease of transport and storage.
If you are looking for thermal drinkware you can rely on, this Stanley bottle may be an option for you. The brand states that it can keep hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold for a day or more, and can keep ice frozen for up to 6 days. It is designed to be leakproof so you can take it on your rowdiest adventures without worrying about spills.
This sock is designed to provide thin, breathable support for both running and cycling. It is made with firm compression to help prevent fatigue, and the thin profile should create a barely there feel when worn with just about any running or cycling shoe.
Harley Schafer is the deals coordinator at Lola Digital Media. Spending time living in Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Germany ignited a passion for travel and exploration that has led to a converted Ford van and the open road becoming home.
Check out some of the bestselling gear at REI this week and deals for your next adventure.
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