Aug 09, 2022 Chad Reynolds ENGINES, HISTORIC, MISC, TECH, Videos 1
Matt and the gang are back at it and once again bringing home an insane collection of hot rod parts and pieces so they live on in other projects. This is their superpower, finding killer stuff to buy and sell, so it should come as no surprise but man I want to hang out with them! Check out this collection of parts that they were told about by a viewer of their YouTube Channel who decided it was time to sell his stuff. You can’t beat that kind of tip!
Watch the video and see all the stuff the guys collect and haul back home to Pennsylvania.
Recently a viewer Will from the Seattle Area reached out and mentioned he was looking to sell his lifetime collection of hot rod parts. Will’s home garage and storage unit are packed full of all kinds of hot rod parts. He has been collecting parts for many years for a few different projects. Matt, Kate, and our PNW tour guide Rich work together to clear out Will’s garage and storage unit. After filling the Uhaul, Matt heads up his F600 Hauler to load it up before it heads East! Hopefully, all of the parts arrive safely from the cross-country trip!!!
You have to get them when you see them, because you may never find them again.
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