Rod Paige Middle School supply lists – Lawrence County Press

2022-07-16 00:53:24 By : Mr. SUN LIPENG

5th Grade $25 Technology Fee Personal Headphones/Earbuds Pencils for the Year (at least 50) Personal Pencil Sharpener 4 Packs of Paper Page Protectors (at least 20) Tab Dividers 2 Inch Binder or Bigger (Math) 1.5 Inch Binder (Science) 2 Composition Notebooks (1 for Math and 1 for Science) 2 Green Plastic Folder with Prongs (ELA) 2 Red Plastic Folders with Prongs (Social Studies) 1 Pack of Multicolored Low Odor Expo Markers 2 Packs of 24 Count Colored Pencils 1 Pack Washable Markers 1 Pair of Student Scissors 16 Glue Sticks (No Liquid Glue) 1 Pack Multicolored Highlighters 1 Pack Cap Erasers 1 Pack Large Pink Erasers 1 Clipboard Teacher Wishlist 2 Rolls of Paper Towels 2 Boxes of Kleenex 2 Boxes of Antibacterial Wipes 2 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer 6th Grade Pencils (mechanical or wooden) Keep supplied for individual use for the school year Personal Pencil Sharpener and/or Extra Lead Cap Erasers Loose Leaf Paper Keep Supplied for Individual Use for the School Year One Pack of Colored Pencils One Pair of Scissors One 4-Function Calculator (basic, not scientific) One Notebook Two 1 Inch Binders with Pockets 1-1/2 Inch Binder Dividers Blue or Black Pens Index Cards Glue Sticks or Bottle of Glue Flash Drive Five Plastic Pocket Folders with Prongs (one for each class) Individual Headphones or Earbuds (corded) Mesh or Clear Backpack $25 Technology Fee Wish List Black Expo Markers Hand Sanitizer Paper Towels Kleenex Disinfecting Wipes 7th Grade Pencils (mechanical or wooden) Keep supplied for individual use for the school year Personal Pencil Sharpener and/or Extra Lead Cap Erasers Notebook Paper Keep Supplied for Individual Use for the School Year One Pack of Colored Pencils One Pair of Scissors One 4-Function Calculator (basic, not scientific) One Composition Notebook- Not Spiral (for math class) One 3 Subject Notebook with Dividers (for history class) Two 1 Inch Binders with Pockets Dividers for the Binder Blue or Black Pens Index Cards (large size cards) Glue Sticks or Bottle of Glue Flash Drive Five Plastic Pocket Folders with Prongs (one for each class) Individual Headphones or Earbuds (corded) Mesh or Clear Backpack $25 Technology Fee Wish List Black Expo Markers Hand Sanitizer Paper Towels Kleenex Disinfecting Wipes 8th Grade Pencils (wooden or mechanical-replace as needed) Two 1-Inch Binders with Dividers One Pack of Notebook Paper (replace as needed) One Pack of Graph Paper (replace as needed) One Composition Book (not spiral) One Pack of 12 Colored Pencils One Zipper Pouch or Pencil Box for Storage of Colored Pencils, Scissors, Glue Sticks, Etc. One Personal Pencil Sharpener for Colored Pencils One Glue Stick (replace as needed) One Ruler One Pair of Scissors Three Different Colored Highlighters (personal choice on kind) Four Plastic Pocket Folders One Pair of Wired Earbuds or Headphones (no Bluetooth) One Flash Drive One Mesh or Clear Backpack $25 Technology Fee Teacher Wish List Paper Towels Hand Sanitizer Kleenex Disinfectant Wipes Expo Dry Erase Markers Self-Contained 2 Boxes of 24 Count Crayola Crayons 2 Packs of Wide Rule Paper 1 Pack of #2 Pencils (24 Count) 1 Three Inch Binder with Pockets 1 Box of Crayola Markers 2 Packs Purple Glue Sticks 1 Composition Notebook 2 Blue Plastic Folder 1 Pack of Multicolored Construction Paper $25 for Laptop Fee One Box of Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Two Boxes of Kleenex Tissue One Container of Hand Sanitizer One Full Change of Clothes (Shirt, Bottoms, Socks and Underwear) ****Please bring snacks daily.