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If your Hurst four-speed shifter is not allowing you to grab those gears as easily as you once did, don’t worry, you’re not forgetting how to shift. Throughout the last several years, you have been banging gears over and over, and that can wear things out. Luckily, the folks at Hurst have put together this short video to explain how easy it is to regain that as-new actuation.
The above video will show you a few simple tricks to deliver new life to your Hurst shifter. By watching the video, you’ll learn how Hurst Pit Packs make it easy to refresh and adjust old shifters that have a little slop in the handle or have endured excess wear and tear. You’ll learn the difference between using nylon versus steel shift-arm bushings. Shift rod adjustment is the leading cause of sketchy shifter operation, and the video shows how adjusting the shift rods is made simpler with an alignment tool.
The Hurst Pit Pack is an inexpensive way to restore smooth shifts to your hot rod.
In a nutshell. easy adjustments are made by having the shifter in neutral. When you’re done adjusting the linkage, everything should fall in place easily and you’ll be ready for the final step: adjusting the stops (if you have a Competition Plus shifter). To do that, put the shifter in First gear, and turn the stop-bolt in until it touches. Then, back it off a quarter-turn and tighten the jam nut. Next, put the shifter in Second, and repeat the process.
Here’s a more descriptive procedure, directly from Hurst. “There is a 1/4-inch hole at the bottom of the Hurst mechanism that runs through all three levers. This is called the neutral alignment hole. To ensure proper adjustment, run the shifter from first into second and then back to neutral. Insert the neutral alignment pin (or a 1/4-inch drill bit) into the neutral alignment hole. If the 1-2 lever interferes with the smooth insertion of the alignment pin, remove the 1-2 linkage rod from the shifter and thread the adjuster button either in or out to eliminate the interference. Repeat this procedure with the 3-4 lever and reverse.”
To adjust the stop bolts, back the bolts out of the shifter frame until only a few threads remain. Push the stick firmly into third gear and hold. Screw in the stop bolt until contact is made. Release the stick and back the stop bolt out one turn and tighten the jam nut. Push the stick into fourth gear and repeat the procedure.”
With the help of this video from Hurst, there is no reason to “settle” for a shifter that is not up to par. What are you waiting for, refresh your shifter and get out there and bang a few gears.
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