Wildlife lovers have warned of the devastating impact plastic waste can have on sea creatures
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Trapped with a roll of plastic rolled tightly around its neck, the image of this 'exhausted' seal shows the impact our plastic waste has on the marine life of the North East coast.
On Thursday, a distressed seal was saved by a British Divers Marine Life Rescue team after being spotted trapped in a plastic sheet near St Mary's Island, Whitley Bay. The seal was first sighted on Wednesday by Killingworth woman Vicki Sinclair, who caught up with it the next day and was able to see it safely released.
But whilst this seal's story ended happily, the incident has highlighted the risks litter can pose to seals and other wildlife.
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Vicki had spotted the seal while wildlife watching at the coast with the Newbiggin Dolphin Watch Group. The stricken animal had become trapped between two rocks and was at risk of drowning as the ride rose. Vicki and her companions were able to free it but weren't able to release the tightly-wrapped plastic, leaving the seal at risk of being trapped again or choking due to the bond around its neck.
"You could see it struggling, it was exhausted," she said.
After appealing on social media for people to keep an eye out, Vicki once again saw the animal near the lighthouse. With the help of a volunteer from the St Mary's Island Wildlife Conservation Society she was able to call in divers to bring it to safety.
Following the successful rescue of the seal, the 37-year-old said: "It's not nice to see, it's really horrific. You see rubbish around the coast all the time: there are seal pups on St Mary's Island behind the lighthouse now amongst bottles, face masks, shoes, hand sanitizer bottles - it's horrific.
"It would be really nice to think that this would make people think twice, but I think it's high time now that the council step in and issue harsher punishments for littering. There's also a lot of talk about how bins at the coast overflow and rubbish gets pulled out by gulls, they need to be emptied more frequently, because once a day in the summer season is just not good enough.
"When you see what's been going on in Whitley Bay over the last few weeks, the groups of teens on the beach, the rubbish they leave. Somebody is going to have to act at some point. You see it in the city centre, fines for dropping cigarettes, we need that at the coast.
"This is the second entanglement on St Mary's Island in the space of a few weeks and these seals are the lucky ones that people have found."
Although this seal was able to swim away safely once disentangled, some are not so lucky. Few know that better than Mark Husmann, one of the trustees at Tynemouth Seal Hospital.
Although the majority of the animals they treat are sick seals or underweight pups who've lost their mothers, the team all too often see the impact plastic has on seals, as the playful animals often get caught up in fishing lines or long pieces of plastic, or take a bite out of harmful plastic waste. Mark said it is hard to judge the full impact, as many seals harmed by plastic waste may die offshore where they can't be tracked or cared for, and these deaths could account for some of the abandoned pups Tynemouth volunteers end up caring for.
Should more be done to stop littering at the coast? Have your say in the comments below.
He added: "It is heartbreaking to see wildlife entangled in the throwaway leftovers of our ‘civilisation’. Truth is, this is not simply a matter of littering. We produce so much single-use plastic that a lot of it is bound to end up in the natural environment. Some plastic litter has travelled for miles before it is blown onto the beach and into the sea.
"Balloons can travel even further, until they eventually come down. Balloons, plastic wrappers, plastic bags - they are all frequently mistaken for food by sea birds, fish, and seals.
"Then there’s ghost gear, often illegally discarded by the fishing industry, or simply lost or chucked into the sea by careless anglers. Seals are naturally curious and very playful animals, so when they play with ropes and nets and fishing lines, they can easily get entangled.
"This all too often results in horrific injury or death."