August 9, 2022 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Bode called the regular meeting of the Davison County Board of Commissioners to order at 9:00 a.m. All members of the Board were present. Also present was Deputy Auditor Matthews. PLEDGE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Bode. APPROVE AGENDA Motion by Kiner, second by Claggett to approve the agenda for the August 9, 2022, meeting. All members voted aye. Motion carried. APPROVE MINUTES Motion by Kiner, second by Blaalid to approve the minutes of the August 2, 2022, meeting. All members voted aye. Motion carried. CITIZEN INPUT Rex Balcom a Davison County resident appeared before the board to discus the ongoing road project on 409th Ave. south of Mitchell. Mr. Balcom expressed a disappointment that the residents that live on 409th were not notified prior to road construction starting. Mr. Balcom also spoke to the speed of travel of drivers, and that the speed limit should be reduced temporarily. Gary Luckett a Davison County resident also appeared before the Board to inquire about the timeline for the project. Chairperson bode stated that the goal is to be completed within a year and to asphalt early next season. RECESS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS/CONVENE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT At 9:15 a.m., motion by Kiner, second by Reider to recess Board of Commissioner and convene Board of Adjustment. All members voted aye. Motion carried. ADJOURN BOARD ADJUSTMENT/RECONVENE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS At 9:20 a.m., motion by Reider, second by Kiner to adjourn Board of Adjustment and reconvene Board of Commissioners. All members voted aye. Motion carried. APPROVE PLATS Motion by Claggett, second by Blaalid to approve a Plat of Lots 3, 4 and 5 of CJM Third Addition, A Subdivision of the NW ¼ and of Irregular Tract No. 3 in the SW ¼ of Section 32, T 104 N, R 60 W of the 5th P.M., Davison County, South Dakota. All members voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Reider, second by Kiner, to approve a Plat of Lot A of Connor First Addition in the NW ¼ of Section 25, T 101 N, R 60 W of the 5th P.M, Davion County, South Dakota. All members voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Blaalid, second by Reider, to approve a Plat of Lot 1 of Daryl’s Addition in the SE ¼, except for the North 852 feet thereof, of Section 20, T 102 N, R 60 W of the 5th P.M., Davison County, South Dakota. All members voted aye. Motion carried. APPROVE PURCHASES Motion by Reider, second by Kiner, to approve the purchase of three CSP Helical Galv 48” 12 Ga Std Arch 50’ culverts at cost of $19,110 from TrueNorth Steel, Inc., All members voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Claggett, second by Reider to approve the purchase of asphalt zipper bits from at a cost of $34,593.67 from Asphalt Zipper. All member voted aye. Motion carried. INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:04 a.m., motion by Claggett, second by Kiner to move into executive session to discuss personnel as per SDCL 1-25-2, as requested by Chairperson Bode. All members voted aye. Motion carried. OUT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:40 a.m., motion by Claggett, second by Blaalid to move out of executive session. All members voted aye. Motion carried. DENY GRIEVANCE Motion by Reider, second by Claggett to deny the grievance from former employee #900. All members voted aye. Motion carried. APPROVE AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT WITH TREASURER Motion by Claggett, second by Kiner to approve the July 2022 Auditor’s Account with the Treasurer in the amount of $11,519,259. All members voted aye. Motion carried. SET HEARING DATE AND TIME FOR LIQUOR LICENSE / MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE Motion by Blaalid, second by Kiner to set August 23rd at 9:15 a.m. for the hearing for a new Liquor License and Malt Beverage License for applicant Jeremy Andersen, dba The Garage, 909 N. Ohlman St. Suite #3, Mitchell, SD. All members voted aye. Motion carried. APPROVE BILLS Motion by Claggett, second by Blaalid to approve the following bills for payment. All members voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND: COMM: Publishing/Daily Republic Forum Comm-471.67, Purr N Ruff/Creekside Veterinary-177.28; JUD: Jury Fees/Jurors-529.40; AUD: Rentals/Microfilm Imaging Sys-147.00, Supplies/Daily Republic Forum Comm-379.50, Minor Equip/Tech Solutions-99.00, Mainframe Prog/Software Services-1,804.00; TREAS: Mainframe Support/Software Services-44.00; STATES ATTY: Prof Fees/Daily Republic Forum Comm-20.67, Yellow Robe Consulting-1,500.00; CRT APPTED ATTY: Crt Appted Atty/Morgan Theeler-1,949.30; PUB SFTY BLDG: Repairs/Mebius Nursery & Landscaping-305.00, Menards-33.54, Thune’s True Value-18.94, Supplies/Jones Supplies-118.50, Gas & Fuel/Meyers Oil Co-222.91, Gas & Electric/Northwestern Energy-6,137.15, Garbage/Miedema Sanitation-220.00, Minor Equip/Tech Solutions-99.00; CRTHOUSE: Supplies/Jones Supplies-213, Gas & Fuel/Meyers Oil Co-518.34, Water & Sewer/City of Mitchell-733.53, Garbage/Miedema Sanitation-106.00; DOE: Supplies/Innovative Office-1,005.37, Gas/Meyers Oil Co-294.92, Minor Equip/Tech Solutions-105.00, Software Services/Software Services-836.00; ROD: Rentals/Microfilm Imaging Sys-470.00, Minor Equip/Tech Solutions-99.00; N. OFC: Supplies/Jones Supplies-58.50, Menards-47.64, Garbage/Miedema Sanitation-88.00; VET: Supplies/McLeod’s Printing & Ofc-6.00, Trvl & Conf/Meyers Oil Co-281.58; CO COORD: IT Contract/Tech Solutions-11,043.00, Postage/Qualified Presort-1,619.42, Postage Meter Fees/Qualified Presort-396.79, Supplies/Software Services-44.00; SHERIFF: Prof Services/FedEx-15.89, Car Wash/Mega Wash-165.00, Ofc Supplies/McLeod’s Printing & Ofc-218.90, Gas Patrol Car/Meyers Oil Co-6,296.27; JAIL: Medicine/County Fair Food Store-72.18, Stephen Gullings DDS-367.00, Ofc Supplies/McLeod’s Printing & Ofc-61.40, Jail Supplies/Bob Barker Co Inc-90.72, County Fair Food Store-14.98, Kitchen Supplies/Cook’s Direct-386.25, Prisoner Food/Summit Food Service-5,558.21, Contracts/Greenwood Cleaning-550.00, Minor Equip/Menards-119.98, Tech Solutions-199.00, Vehicle Maint/Meyers Oil Co-1,440.41, Inmate Services/Swanson Services Corp-3.99; WELFARE: Supplies/Qualified Presort-14.84; MENTAL HAND: Mentally Handicapped/SD Dept. of Revenue-1,871.63; MENTAL ILL: Committals/Douglas Papendick-202.00, Hearings/Lewis & Clark BHS-368.00, Yankton County Treasurer-117.40, Yankton Sheriff’s Ofc-50.00; FAIR: Gas & Fuel/Meyers Oil Co-166.37, Gas & Electric/Northwestern Energy-1,506.51, Garbage/Miedema Sanitation-111.00; CO EXTENSION: Postage/Qualified Presort-14.84, SD Bureau of Administration-6.00; WEED: Repairs/C & R Supply Inc-271.90, Heartland AG Systems-25.91, Supplies/First Bankcard-63.88; DRAINAGE: Publishing/Daily Republic Forum Comm-63.14; P&Z: Publishing/Daily Republic Forum Comm-35.87; HIWAY: Repairs & Maint/A & G Diesel Inc-297.79, Carquest of Mitchell-1,192.57, First Bankcard-298.85, Graham Tire Co-1,680.80, Heartland AG Systems-87.19, Mitchell Iron & Supply-71.32, Scott Supply Co-178.50, Sturdevant’s Auto Parts-16.64, Thune’s True Value-19.66, Supplies & Materials/A-Ox Welding Supply-199.67, Carquest of Mitchell-111.28, SD Dept. of Revenue-361.30, McLeod’s Printing & Ofc-75.06, Mitchell Iron & Supply-316.18, Thune’s True Value-13.87, Gas & Fuel/First Bankcard-23.18, Meyers Oil Co-39,008.98, Utilities/City of Mt. Vernon-92.00, Miedema Sanitation-88.00, Signage & Materials/Bailey Metal-421.06, Mat Overlay/Topkote Inc-566,087.00, Bridge Repair/Spencer Quarries-2,367.02, Oth Proj/Asphalt Zipper-34,593.67; EMG MGMT: Repairs & Maint/Carquest of Mitchell-146.17, Fuel/Meyers Oil Co-714.75. APPROVE TIMESHEETS Motion by Blaalid, second by Reider to authorize chairperson to sign department head timesheets as supervisor. All members voted aye. Motion carried. APPROVE EMPLOYEE CHANGES Motion by Claggett, second by Blaalid to accept the resignation of Corrections Officer Brett Costello effective August 13, 2022. All members voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kiner, second by Claggett to approve the hire of Jessica King as a full-time Corrections Officer, effective August 20, 2022, with a rate of $19.81 with a $.50 wage increase after successful completion of an introductory period. All members voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Blaalid, second by Reider to approve the hire of Amy Easton as a part-time Corrections Officer, effective August 22, 2022, with a rate of $19.81 with a $.50 wage increase after successful completion of an introductory period. All members voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Blaalid, second by Kiner to approve the hire of Kohl Oster as a full-time Corrections Officer, effective August 20, 2022, with a rate of $19.81 with a $.50 wage increase after successful completion of an introductory period. All members voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Blaalid, second by Claggett to approve the hire of Bronc Dykstra as a full-time Corrections Officer, effective August 20, 2022, with a rate of $19.81 with a $.50 wage increase after successful completion of an introductory period. All members voted aye. Motion carried. CONTINUE 2023 BUDGET REVIEW The commissioners continued reviewing 2023 budget requests. ADJOURN At 11:30 a.m., Chairperson Bode adjourned the meeting and set the next regular Board of Commissioners meeting for August 16, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. ATTEST ______________________ James Matthews, Deputy Auditor ______________________ Brenda Bode, Chairperson Published once at the total approximate cost of $93.57 and may be viewed free of charge at (Aug. 17, 2022) 91338